Outlook Accelerator improves performance of your Outlook by defragmenting Personal Folders - the place where Outlook stores all your emails, attachments, contacts, documents, etc.
Personal Folders tend to grow fast and being constantly changed by Outlook the file that keeps Personal Folders becomes hardly fragmented very quickly.
Your Outlook Personal Folders may well be as large as 1Gb or even larger and everything is kept in one file spread accross your disk in thousands Fragments!
No wonder, it takes ages to gather all tiny fragments together over and over again every time Outlook needs to open an attachment or store a new email arrived.
The less fragmented are your Outlook files the better is disk access time and the FASTER is your Outlook.
Even if you run a disk defragmenter on a regular basis Outlook files stay contiguous for just a shot while after the disk defragmentation and then become fragmented again.
With Outlook Accelerator your Outlook files will always be in a good shape, which will make Outlook work faster.